A little background info on Bottled water

So there has been a big controversy between which is better: Tap water or Bottled Water.

Water bottles were first brought up as "miracle cures" and were generally sold at the springs where the water came from. It started that people would go to the springs to get water and take a bottle or two with them and take some water home.
 Today people purchase water bottles for a completely different reason: to stay healthy and it doesn't mean it will cure them from illnesses. The majority want to look good and sophisticated with bottled waters. In the time of the mid-1800s bottled water was viewed as sophisticated and showed high class such as today. Historically bottled water was perceived to be a gift from God given to the Almighty in his will.
In the twentieth century, bottled water went out of style when chlorination was found in water making it unsafe to drink and dangerous to health. Though in 1977, bottled water was brought back by the imported Perrier. It made headlines giving people less of a worry about the health issues that had risen from tap water. Giving so, the industry grew to its current sales right now, with a handful of bottled water industries selling their "pure water" to consumers. http://www.greatlakeslaw.org/blog/2009/03/a-brief-history-of-bottled-water-in-america.html
Bottles are not being recycled  by the American population which causes harm to our environment. Though in developing countries, bottled water industries are being created as an alternative to tap water, which is not safe to drink. Thus making tap water a safer option for the population. Policymakers are now encouraging people to drink tap water due to the dangers bottled water has caused. Some cities like Seattle now have a 5 cent tax on each bottles and San Francisco is no longer buys water. Other concerns are that bottled companies are using public water resources and putting it in bottled water. They are selling the water 2,900 times the price of regular tap water! http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/03/100310/why-tap-water-is-better/

Grand Rapids from Michigan is now launching Boxed Water. Boxed Water is environmentally friendly since it uses milk carton instead of plastic bottles.
All in all, bottled water isn't as redefined as its thought to be, in reality its just a nice looking container which contains regular filtered water in some cases. Tap water is just as healthy as bottled water apparently. So why spend money on water that can be gotten at home for a really cheap price? Its recommended to even drink tap water instead of buying bottled water due to its false advertisements.


  1. after watching this blog, i felt like i got tricked by the bottle water company.

  2. It is crazy how people were made to believe that bottled water was so "amazing", when in reality it is a big scam.

  3. After going through this blog it just amazes me how tap water is better then bottled water. Nice blog by the way.

  4. i was treated by the bottle water company!!!!!!

  5. The water bottles are sometimes resourceful and now knowing that sometimes they are just tap water i realize that there is no point in buying the bottled water if its the same as tapped.
    -Joseph Alcantara
